Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

Ear, nose, tongue, and skin
Ear (hearing aid)
Ears can be grouped into three sections, which are:
a. The outer ear
- Useful ears to receive sound vibrations
- Ear holes used for channel sound vibrations
- Membrane drums are used to vibrate the sound vibrations
- Used oil glands to lubricate the lining so as not to experience dryness and keep the dust.
b. Middle ear
- Air-filled cavity, which is used to balance the air pressure membrane drums so no damage
- The bones of hearing.
c. Middle ear
- Casement ellipse
- Circular aperture
- Three semi-circular canal
- The cochlea.

Nose (smell tool)
In the nose there is a nose sections, namely:
- Mucous cells with nerve endings smell that can be used for moisturizing
- The fine hairs on the tip of smell cells.

Tongue (tentacle)
While on the tongue are the ends of the nerves of taste are grouped to form buds on the tongue and the pupil spreads on the surface of the tongue.
The sensitivity tentacle area are:
- The base of the tongue, especially to taste the bitter taste
- The edge of the tongue, it can taste sour or sour taste
- Tip of the tongue, unable to taste sweet and salty taste
- The middle tongue, the neutral region.

Skin function is:
- To feel the pain (pain)
- To feel hot and cold
- To feel the smooth and rough.