Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

environmental pollution
Without realizing human activities in meeting their needs sometimes in utilizing and managing the environment less attention to the balance of nature, as well as the development of science and technology that enable people to make ends meet may result in environmental changes and even damage to the environment. The human actions that could cause environmental damage, including logging, residential development, urbanization, and agricultural intensification (use of excessive fertilizers and pesticides). While change and environmental damage caused by natural disasters.

Human activities in meeting their needs may cause pollution or contamination of the surrounding environment. Pollution or contamination means the entry or introduction of living things, the substance of energy, and or other components into the environment, or change the order of the environment by human activities or natural processes so that environmental quality decreases to a certain level that causes the environment to be lacking or may not work again according to function. Substances or materials that could cause pollution are called pollutants. The main requirement of a substance called when the presence of pollutants can cause harm to living beings.

The nature of the pollutants are:
a. Damaging for a while, but when it reacts with substances in the environment does not break again.
b. Damaging in the long term. For example, Pb does not damage when low concentrations. However, in the long term, Pb can accumulate in the body to damaging levels.

The characteristics of pollutants are:
a. Amount exceeds the normal threshold
b. Environmentally destructive
c. Reduce the function of the component
d. Hazardous and toxic to the environment component
e. Causes of death in living things.