Jumat, 15 Maret 2013

Geographic information from maps, atlases, and globes

Maps, atlases, and globes is an invaluable tool for geographic information of the appearance of the face of the earth. Each of these tools provide different geographical.

Geographic information from maps
Maps can provide geographic information as follows:
a. The title of the map provides an overview of the content of the map
b. Map sheet number serves to indicate the serial number of the map making it easier to search the pages of maps in the vicinity
c. Administrative index number indicates the serial number of the part of the mapped area
d. Handy map index number for the location of an object or area that is read to the surrounding area
e. Tata in the form of latitude and longitude coordinates are used to locate specific objects on the map
f. Latitude is used to determine climate type on earth
g. Longitude used to determine the local time
h. Map source, years of data, and map maker can give confidence about the actuality of the data on the map
i. Legend can provide information about the distribution landscape and culture contained in the map.

Geographic information from atlas
Atlas can provide geographic information as follows:
a. Table of contents gives an overview of the types of questions listed
b. Tata in the form of latitude and longitude coordinates are used to determine the position of an object
c. The index was used to find the location of an object based on the serial number and layout map coordinates.

Geographic information of the globe
Globe can provide geographic information as follows:
a. Tata in the form of latitude and longitude coordinates are used to determine the position of an object
b. Longitude used to determine the local standard time
c. Used to determine the latitude climate type on earth
d. Demonstrating the direction of rotation of the earth that resulted in the day and night.