Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

Motivation and inspiration for professionals
Failure usually occurs because of a lack of commitment to future plans. Failure occurs due to a lack of attention to the importance of life planning. Therefore, the plan before the kind of life you want before taking action.

Maybe we can not avoid pain, but we can avoid the suffering caused by pain.

A professional is a person who can still complete the task a good job even though they might not like that job.

If we can love what we are doing, then most likely we will be able to complete the task properly.

Before making changes to things outside us, we must first change the things that are within us.

Without clear objectives, men will lose its potential. Focus on the key objectives of every successful human being.

Your destiny is on your mind. You can imagine a future life, and you will get what you imagine today.

Success is not a long journey undertaken at a time, but a long journey which is the accumulation of many short trips.

If you are not able to decide what you want to do during your life, any work you do will give you success and spiritual satisfaction.

Other people will not always believe your words, but they will always believe what you do.