Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Utilization of Human Resources (HR)
Indonesia with a population of approximately 210 million people, is a very large HR reserve. The challenge for the nation and the government to be able to prepare HR really deserves to be accepted in the world of work or business. In the utilization of human resources, the problems still faced by the nation of Indonesia is as follows:
1. quality of human resources is still largely low or less ready to enter the working world or the business world
2. the limited number of jobs
3. amount of unemployment is high.

Quality of human resources here not only in the form of science and technology alone, but must be balanced with the quality of the foundation of religious faith and piety are strong, so well in running social role status as civil servants or private employees, government officials, security forces and enforcement law is not misused for things that are enriching themselves and detrimental to the interests of others.

Recognizing the many problems faced by HR about this nation, the government should continue to try to find a way out, among others, in the following way:
1. improve the quality of education through the National Education legislation, including through the application of competency based curriculum and attention equal proportion, so hopefully after completing their education students are really ready to enter the working world or the business world with good quality
2. implement projects that are labor intensive
3. create jobs, among others by creating a conducive investment climate so that more investors are willing or interested in doing business in our country
4. encourage the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by providing an attractive credit facilities and others.