Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

water pollution
Pollution of water impact, for example, can poison drinking water, poisoned pet food, river and lake ecosystem imbalance and destruction caused by acid rain. In bodies of water, rivers and lakes, nitrogen, and phosphate (from agricultural activities) has led to the growth of aquatic plants that are out of control (excessive eutrophication).

Water pollution can occur in rivers, lakes and the ocean, caused by pollutants:
1. Organic waste. Human activities such as drinking, cooking and washing which is household waste (domestic waste) containing 95% - 99% of organic waste. Organic waste is a source of food for bacteria disease. In aerobic conditions spoilage bacteria break down organic material so that oxygen is reduced. The use of oxygen by bacterial decay in the water known as the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD). BOD value should not be less than 3 ppm.
2. Inorganic waste. Industrial wastes such as toxic metals such as mercury (Hg), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and cadmium (Cd).
3. Fertilizers. Excessive use of fertilizers can lead to water pollution, such as eutrophication, which is the process of fertilization of the waters due to discharge of organic matter and fertilizer into the water so that the water plants to grow out of control.
4. Pesticides. Pesticides are toxic chemicals that are used by humans to control pests and diseases. Pesticides include insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and rodenticides. Pesticides are very difficult biodegradable or broken down by microorganisms, so that its toxic nature long lived in the environment. This causes toxins to enter the food chain primarily insectivorous animals. Biological magnification (biological accumulation) is the process of accumulation of pesticides in the bodies of living things, such as the accumulation of DDT (dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane) levels are at a high level of consumer trophic levels.