Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

Various kinds of needs

Human needs are many and diverse and growing continuously. To make ends meet, people have to work and work hard. The level of demand is strongly influenced by the level of interest.

Human needs can be divided into several types:
1. according to their importance
According to the level or intensity, human needs can be divided into three kinds, namely primary needs, secondary needs and tertiary needs or fancy.
a. Primary needs are needs that can not be abandoned and must be prioritized. If basic needs are not fulfilled or abandoned, then people will have difficulty or can not hold his life. Example: food, clothing, and shelter.
b. Secondary needs are complementary needs basic needs, if these needs are not met, people will not be threatened with difficulties in their lives. Example: bicycles, cabinets, household furniture.
c. Tertiary needs are complementary needs for those who already have a high survival rate. Examples: luxury homes, luxury cars.

2. by nature
By their very nature, human needs can be divided into two kinds, namely the physical and spiritual needs.
a. Physical needs are needs that must be met by every human being to live with the physical growth and development were perfect. Example: food, drinks, and sports.
b. Spiritual needs are related to the spiritual needs of the abstract (intangible), but if not met most people will be disappointed. Example: entertainment, worship, and science.

3. by time
By time, human needs can be divided into two kinds, namely the present and future needs.
a. The need now is a requirement that must be met in a relatively fast and can not be postponed. Examples: medicine for the sick.
b. Future needs are the needs will be met in the future. Example: after the harvest season, farmers keep most of the harvest to prepare for lean times.

4. by subject
Needs according to the subject can be divided into two kinds, namely:
a. Personal needs are needs that serve to meet the needs of the individual person. Example: apparel, home.
b. Community needs are needs that are useful for general needs or crowds. Collective needs or the needs of society is closely related to well-being. Example: roads, bridges, markets, schools.