Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Various means of satisfying human needs

According to his form, there are two kinds of goods, ie goods concrete and abstract items.
Concrete goods is a means of satisfying human needs that have form, can be seen and touched. For example, food, drinks.
Abstract goods is a means of satisfying needs that can not be seen but can be felt usefulness. For example, physician services, midwife services.

According to its scarcity, goods are divided into two kinds, namely economic goods and free goods.
Economic goods are goods which are scarce and limited in number so as to obtain require sacrifice, such as clothing and housing.
Free goods are goods which supplies more than human needs so as to obtain unnecessary sacrifices, such as air, sunshine.

According to the intended use, items or objects can be divided into two kinds, namely consumer goods and production goods.
Consumer goods are goods that directly satisfy human needs and quickly wears out. For example, food, medicine.
Production of goods or capital goods are goods that can meet human needs after going through the production process. For example, a sewing machine.

According relation to other goods, the goods can be divided into two kinds of complementary goods and substitutes.
Complementary goods are goods which are in use should be combined with other items. For example, a pen with ink.
Substitutes are goods that can replace other goods. For example, white rice with brown rice.

According to the guarantee, the goods can be divided into two kinds of movable and immovable property.
Moving goods are goods that are used to obtain short-term credit. For example, the radio to be pawned.
Immovable goods are goods that can be used to obtain long-term credit. For example, ground to obtain long-term loans from banks.

According to the readiness of the use or process of making
Raw material
The raw material is still a matter that needs to be processed further in order to meet human needs. For example, rice, cotton.

Semi-finished materials
Intermediate is produced from raw materials. However, semi-finished materials still need to be re-processed into goods ready for use. For example yarn for textile companies.

Finished goods
Finished goods are the end result of a process of manufacturing (processing). Finished goods ready to be used as a means of satisfying human needs. For example the table, shoes.